CSV Imports Fields Key:
All import sample files are attached to this document. The following article shows the headings of each column in the sample imports. The key describes what to input for each field and which fields are mandatory or not mandatory to be filled in the import process. This article will continuously be updated as needed.
PURPLE: Explanation of the field
BLUE: Required to fill
Green: NOT Required to fill
Sections = Course offerings made from a course template.
Course = Template of course.
Learners = Anyone who registers for a course.
Enrollments = The association between a learner and the section they sign up for.
Username – This can be a username with any combination of letters and numbers or the user’s email address.
Password – This can be left blank upon initial import. Can be used if you want to update learner passwords in bulk at a later time. If completed the password must follow these rules:
- Must be between 8 and 12 characters long
- Must contain at least 1 capital letter
- Must contain at least 1 lower case letter
- Must contain a number
- Must contain a symbol or special character
FirstName –
LastName –
Email –
CellPhone – You can leave this as a generic number (fake) or as the organization’s office number if you do not have this information for the learners. Otherwise, you can input the individual learner’s cell phone number for contact purposes.
AffiliationIndex – This will input the learner into the correct or desired affiliation. If left blank, you will not be able to see the learner because they will be placed in our main AAPC affiliation.
LocalID – This can be whatever you want it to be if you have another ID you want to attach to the learner.
Status – ACTIVE - the entry must be in all caps in order for the system to accept your upload.
Notes – Notes about the learner. These are internal.
LastName –
FirstName –
AffiliationIndex – This will input the instructor into the correct or desired affiliation. If left blank, you will not be able to see the instructor because they will be placed in our main AAPC affiliation.
Notes – Notes about the instructor. These are internal.
Status – ACTIVE - the entry must be in all caps in order for the system to accept your upload.
Cap – Number of learners this instructor can have as active at once. If it does not matter, just populate this with 9999.
Email –
Phone – You can leave this as a generic number (fake) or as your organization’s office number if you do not have this information for the learners. Otherwise, this is a field to add a cell phone number for contact information.
Username –
Password – This can be left blank upon initial import. Can be used if you want to update learner passwords in bulk at a later time. If completed, the password must follow these rules:
- Must be between 8 and 12 characters long
- Must contain at least 1 capital letter
- Must contain at least 1 lower case letter
- Must contain a number
- Must contain a symbol or special character
Course – Leave blank for initial import. The system will generate an ID.
Name – Name of course.
CourseCode – This can be a unique identifier if you want it to be. Any number/letter combination works.
Category – Populate this as “Training” for now. It’s the system default. If you have a specific desired category please request the category to be created for you via your success rep.
Status – ACTIVE
Affiliation – Associate your affiliation name to this field in order for the course to be visible to you after creation.
SelfRegistration – Yes or No (Can people register for this course on their own, or do they have to be placed into this course by a staff member?).
RequiresApproval – Yes or No (Do you want someone to have to approve the learner’s enrollment to this course each time they try to register for it?).
TemplateLMSID – This would be if you already created this course template in Blackboard and you wanted to sync it with this course creation in Genius. You will find this in your LMS under the course information.
ShortDescription – Description of the course.
LongDescription – Longer Description of the course.
Keywords – Words people can use in course catalogs for filtering course offerings. Can be left blank.
CatalogImage – This can be added later; otherwise, put the URL to your image in this field.
Certificate – This refers to the certificate that will be issued to a learner that completes an offering of this course. If you don’t have certificates in the system yet, you should leave this field blank upon initial import. If you need a custom certificate created for your courses, contact your implementation manager.
Expiration – Date course expires. Can be left blank.
Prerequisite – If there were any courses that need to be taken before entry into this course, those course IDs would go in this field.
DocumentsPrerequisite – Same as above ^ but with document types like applications.
Recommendations – Same as above. This is where you can recommend other course offerings available if the learner registering is looking for more learning opportunities.
Tags – This is another way for people signing up for courses to filter the course catalog. This is a great feature for easy searching of courses but can be left blank upon initial import.
Course – Course ID. This is important to include.
Section – Section ID. This will generate in Genius once the initial import is complete.
Name – Name of the section (course offering).
Instructor – Until you have instructors imported, you can leave this as TBD.
Status – ACTIVE
Affiliation – Associate your affiliation name to this field in order for the course to be visible to you after creation.
Term – Leave this as “Ongoing” for now until you have set up terms within Genius.
Cap – This is the number of people allowed to register for a seat in this section. This can be as many or as few people as you want. The average cap for courses is between 20-40 learners.
StartDate – MM/DD/YYYY format
EndDate - MM/DD/YYYY format
Duration – This will automatically generate once you put a start and end date.
EnrollByDate – This is if there is a date a learner must enroll by to be able to register for this section.
Location – There can be any value here. Some folks just put “Online” here if there is no exact address or geographical location where the section is being offered at.
Price – Leave this blank; we do not accept payments in Genius.
Credits – This is for your approved CEUs, regardless if this is from AAPC or another program. For AAPC, the content must be approved via our CEU Vendor program. they will provide you with the CEU code upon approval.
AttendanceMeasure – This is for folks who take attendance for each session of the section. This would be for synchronous courses. This should likely be added after the initial import. If you leave it blank, nothing happens, don’t worry.
Lessons – If you wanted to add the number of lessons included in the section.
LMS – Only if an LMS is integrated. You’ll need to find out what the name of your LMS integration is.
LMSCourseID – This would only be if you created the section in Blackboard first. This is not a best practice.
ExternalLink – This is for people who do not have an LMS integration. The link takes the learner to somewhere other than an integrated LMS. ***IF THIS IS USED, THE SYSTEM WILL AUTOMATICALLY SET THE COURSE AS COMPLETE UPON SELECTION FROM THE ACTIVE COURSES AREA.***
Delivery – Online/Face-to-face/Hybrid. These are the three choices you can choose from. This field is not required, but it adds more information to the section listed in the course catalog. It also is used for filtering the catalog.
Competencies – This should be left blank for now. This is another filtering mechanism, but should be left blank if you are not utilizing them.
CompletionFormula – Another field I would leave blank for now. The system automatically sets each section to be considered complete once the learner’s enrollment is complete, set by a parameter in Genius. This can be edited per section.
Notes – This is where you can write INTERNAL notes about this specific section.
Username – This is the Learner’s unique identifier here. (Found on learner profile).
Section– This is the Section ID. (Found on section profile).
StartDate – MM/DD/YYYY format
EndDate - MM/DD/YYYY format
Status – ACTIVE
Learner Template: https://aapcproduct.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Learning_Center_Files/Import_Templates/ImportCSV_Learners_template.csv
Enrollment Template: https://aapcproduct.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Learning_Center_Files/Import_Templates/ImportCSV_Enrollments_template.csv
Course Template: https://aapcproduct.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Learning_Center_Files/Import_Templates/ImportCSV_Courses_template.csv
Section Template: https://aapcproduct.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Learning_Center_Files/Import_Templates/ImportCSV_Sections_template.csv
Instructor Template: https://aapcproduct.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Learning_Center_Files/Import_Templates/ImportCSV_Instructors_template.csv