General Tips for Code Entry and Rules
Primary Diagnosis
- The answer key may have multiple correct codes, but only one can be entered in the primary diagnosis field.
- Any additional correct codes must be entered in the secondary diagnosis section.
Instructor Tip
You should remind learners that only one code can be entered in the primary diagnosis field.
Secondary Diagnosis
The sequence of secondary diagnosis (SDX) codes does not affect scoring, unless incorrect codes are entered, pushing correct codes out of the available code entry fields.
Instructor Tip
You should emphasize to learners the importance of entering correct codes to avoid displacing correct codes. Also, to only report codes that are supported in the documentation or that can impact the treatment of the patient's presenting condition.
CPT Section
- Scoring for Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes can be impacted if the modifier(s) or units are entered incorrectly.
The entire entry will be marked as incorrect, with no partial credit given.
The entire entry will be marked as incorrect, with no partial credit given.
- The sequence of CPT codes and modifiers does not affect scoring.
Instructor Tip
You should stress the importance of correctly entering modifiers and units for CPT codes.
E/M Section
- Scoring for Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes can be impacted if the modifier is entered incorrectly.
- The entire entry will be marked as incorrect, with no partial credit given.
- The sequence of E/M codes does not affect scoring.
Instructor Tip
You should remind learners to enter E/M codes in the E/M section of the code entry area. Learners need to understand how and when to report appropriate E/M modifiers.
Scoring Logic
The score will be calculated based on the following new logic:
- If the number of code count entered by the user is greater than the Actual correct code count - Number of correct codes entered by the User / Number of codes entered by the User
- If the number of code count entered by the user is less than the Actual correct code count - Number of correct codes entered by the User/ Number of Actual correct codes