Learning Center: Learner Accessing Courses
Made by Shelly Cronin with Scribe
This guide walks you through the process for learners to access active and previously completed courses.
1. Log into the Learning Center with the username and password provided to you.
2. The Active Courses area contains all courses you are currently enrolled in.
3. The "Completed Courses" area contains all the courses that you have successfully completed.
Accessing Active Courses
4. To access a course from the active courses area, click the title of the course you desire to access. For example: Click "2022 CPT Book Course_A-C"
5. Once you click the course title from the "Active Courses" area the system will take you directly into the course. Each course may be setup differently.
6. To go back to your Learner Dashboard, Click the "Dashboard" link in the upper right-hand menu
Accessing Courses from the Completed Courses Area
Accessing Courses from the Completed Courses Area
7. To access a course that you have already completed, click the desired course title in the Completed Courses area. For example: Click "Practicode CPC-A Practicum (DEMO)"
8. Once you click the title you will see a pop-out menu that lets you chose to download a completion certificate or you can go into the course by clicking "Go to course".
Alert! If your access to the course has expired the course will not open.
9. Clicking the "Dashboard" menu item will return you from the course to your learner dashboard.